UNIX file access permissions

read read read
write write write
execute execute execute
permissions in "rwx"-format
permissions as octal number

The file access permissions as shown by the UNIX command “ls -l” are given in the “rwx-format”. With the command “chmod” you can write the permissions in octal format.

Usage: You may indicate the file access permissions with the checkboxes. After every change the rwx-format and the octal format are calculated. Or you type either a rwx-format or an octal format. After a mouseclick on any free space of the window the other format is calculated and the checkboxes are changed.

Illustration: What are the access permissions of a file that are given by “754” in octal format ? Type “754” into the field for octal formats. Click on any free space of the window and read the results in the other fields (rwx-format: rwxr-xr–, therefore the owner may read, write and execute the file, a group member may read and execute it and all others may just read it).


– Large and small numbers are written exponentially. As example 2.3e5 = 2.3⋅105 = 230000 or 4.5e-5 = 4.5⋅10-5 = 0.000045.
– Unitscalculator is not responsible for damage of any kind caused by wrong results, therefore use this site at your own risk. Some of the information on this site came from unverified sources.

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