Sound of Speed in Gases and Mach Calculator

molar mass = g/mol
γ = cP/cV =

temperature speed of sound
°C m/s
K km/h
°F ft/s

speed of object Mach number
m/s Mach

The results are rounded to significant figures.

The speed of sound Vsound in a gas depends on the kind of gas and on the temperature. The speed of sound in an ideal gas is given by the relationship

Vsound = (γ * R * T / M)1/2

γ  = cP/cV is the  ratio of the heat capacities (i.e. the adiabatic constant, characteristic of the specific gas)
R = the universal gas constant = 8.314 J/mol K,
T = the absolute temperature
M = the molecular weight of the gas in kg/mol

The speed of sound in dry air at 20 °C = 343 m / s. The indicated values for γ are valid in the range of room temperature and the calculation is valid only for conditions, under which the medium may be considered as an ideal gas.
The Mach number is defined as the ratio of the speed of an object moving in a gas to the speed of sound of the gas.

How to Use:
First choose the gas in the corresponding pull-down-menu for which you want to calculate the speed of sound. The gases molar mass and the adiabatic constant of the gases are already given. Alternatively, you may choose “?” sign and type your own values for the molar mass and γ of the gas given.
Next, input either the temperature or the speed of sound into the field behind which you find the correct unit. Click on any empty space in the window or on the “calculate” button. The converted result will be shown in the other fields. You can use the “reset” button to reset the process.
After the calculation of the speed of sound you may calculate the Mach number of a moving object or its speed, if the Mach number is known. Type the value of the speed of the object or its Mach number into the field behind which you find the correct unit. Click on any empty space in the window or on the “calculate” button. The converted result will be shown in the other fields. You can use the “reset” button to reset the process.

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