Converter for data transfer

/ s
/ min
/ h
Kibit (210), Kibibit
Mibit (220), Mebibit
Gibit (230), Gibibit
Tibit (240), Tebibit
KiB (210), Kibibyte
MiB (220), Mebibyte
GiB (230), Gibibyte
TiB (240), Tebibyte


This converter allows to transform values for data transfer in different units into each other. The binary multiples are calculated (e. g. 1 KiB = 1024 byte). The dimension of data flow rate is data amount/time.

Type the value for a data flow rate you want to convert into the corresponding field. You find different units for data amounts (bit, Kibit, Mibit, Gibit, Tibit, byte, KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB) in the rows. Different time intervalls (per second, per minute, per hour) you find in the columns. For the calculation, click on any free space of the window or on the “calculate” button and read the results in the corresponding fields. Use the “reset” button to reset your calculation.

Example: You have got a transfer rate of 64 kbit/s (ISDN). How many bytes you may transfer in an hour? Type “64000” into the field in the row “bits” and the column “/ s”. For the calculation, click on any free space of the window or on the “calculate” button. Read the result in the field in the row “MiB (220), Mebibyte” and the column “/ h” (27.466 MiB/h).
Your WLAN connection may transfer 10 Mbit/s. Type “10e6” into the field in the row “bits” and the column “/ s”. Click on any free space of the window or on the “calculate” button. Read the result for example in the field in the row “GiB (230), Gibibyte” and the column “/ h” (4.191 GiB/h).

– All results have been rounded to 5 significant digits.
– Large and small numbers are written exponentially. As example 2.3e5 = 2.3⋅105 = 230000 or 4.5e-5 = 4.5⋅10-5 = 0.000045.
– There is no warranty for the conversion. Cactus2000 is not responsible for damage of any kind caused by wrong results.
– Please send an email if you have suggestions or if you would like to see more conversions to be included.

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